Pediatric Cardiovascular Case

  1. Child is lying comfortably on the bed, looks alert, conscious, (pink, bluish, dusky, pale) and not in distress.
  2. Pulse is 110, regular, good volume, no collapsing pulse, with no radio-radio and radio-femoral delay. Blood pressure is 100/60.
  3. No clubbing, no stigmata of infective endocarditis (Janeway lesions, splinter hemorrhages, or Osler nodes), no pedal edema. Oral hygiene is good and no central cyanosis seen. JVP not raised.
  4. No scars or dilated veins seen.
  5. Apex beat not displaced. No precordial heaves.
  6. S1 and S2 heard, sinus rhythm. (If got murmurs, describe it.)
  7. No hepatomegaly or sacral edema.
Eg; (VSD)
Child is lying comfortably on the bed, looks alert, conscious, pink and not in distress. His pulse rate is 110, regular, good in volume, no collapsing pulse, or radio-radio or radio-femoral inequalities. Blood pressure is 100/60. No clubbing, no stigmata of infective endocarditis. Oral hygiene is poor but no central cyanosis. No scars or dilated veins on the chest. Apex beat not displaced. A grade 3 pan-systolic murmur, best appreciated over the lower sternal edge heard. No hepatomegaly.

Need your feedback. Thank you.


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