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Whisked by the winds...

Half a decade, and the time decides for parting. I'm done with my five years study here and simple as it says, it is time to move on. Sabah was the 'road not taken' for me, literally and ironically, it has taken me to experience, if not the best but the most beautiful place in Malaysia. 'Land below the winds' is a phrase that technically applies to all places below the thyphoon belt. Agnes Keith made this phrase popular by exclusively refering Sabah to the phrase in her novel. 'Negeri di Bawah Bayu' or 'land below the winds' is now the motto of Sabah state. So big and vast is Sabah, to describe my experience in one post is an arduous task. So I'll just describe what I've done in 3 days. On 20th of April, we rented a car from Kota Kinabalu and went straight to Kundasang. Well, Kundasang is a hilly retreat and is stop before hiking Kinabalu Mountain. One must realise, there is always more. I believe a picture can describe a thousand word. ...

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